Dudes Baseball Academy is the term we use for our 11U through 15U teams. We focus on long-term development for these age groups, whereas our Underclass and National teams are our “Showcase” teams.
All of our coaches have collegiate playing experience
We focus on the long-term picture for player development as opposed to the “win-now” philosophy at the lower age groups.
We offer private lessons as additional supplement to our weekly training to accomodate the players with the highest level of interest in development.
We practice 2 times per week 10 months out of the year.
We focus on providing the highest number of reps possible during our practice plans, paired with structured drilling and practice plans.
Ease of access to local and frequent game opportunities, is key term for a high rate of development at the youth level.
We have the highest number of practices per year out of any select organization in the greater northwest.
We meet for practices and games for a total of over 100 days over the course of a eyar per team.
We have won over 32 tournaments and counting over the past 8 years, highlighted by two Washington State titles
-2018 16U GSL State Champions
-2024 16U PG State Champions
Our program averages two and half coaches per team all with collegiate playing experience.
Below you will find answer to our most frequently asked questions
Our off-season and some in-season practices are held at The Natural Ball Player in Kirkland, Washington
11U/12U: $3750
13U: $4500
14U-19U: $6000
Yes, ideally we ask for 75% upon submisson of the player contract and then the remainder due by Nov 1st.
However, we do offer other fexlible plans upon request.
Our home fields are located in Redmond, Washington. Namely, Les Dow field at Hartman Park and Redmond High School
No, we do not affilliate or partner with any High School. We treat all players in our program equally regardless of High School afilliation.
We shoot for 35-40 games per age group with 50-60 practices throughout the year.
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